To place an order, please call Diane at 603-344-1535
or email at theoldbagnh@gmail.com.
Disclaimer While considering names for our Mother’s website and business, my brother, sister and I mulled over efficient names like “NorthEast Fabric Creations” and boring ones like “Diane’s Bags”. We finally settled on “The Old Bag” for her propensity to use recycled materials, but also a fun play on words our father would have appreciated. Our mother has always been that rare combination of creativity, ambition and Puritan work ethic, a fact that the world (or at least you guys surfing the web) will finally see. We wish her luck in this new endeavor.
But if you toy with the idea of calling her The Old Bag, be prepared. While she has a healthy ability to laugh at herself (and the company’s name), she’s a tough cookie and she swears like a sailor. Consider yourself warned. |